BELIV 2016
The BELIV workshop series is a bi-annual event focusing on the challenges of evaluation in visualization.
Oct 2016, the sixth version of BELIV will take place. BELIV 2016 will be co-located IEEE VIS 2016 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, and as always be open to all conference attendes.
Stay tuned! More details will follow soon!
UBC just announced a new framework that provides, among other things,
libraries for psychophysical experiments on various kinds of visualizations.
The idea is to lower the entry barriers for anyone who wants to get involved
in those kinds of studies. An overview and contact information can be found
in this summary slide.
Proceedings online
The BELIV'14 proceedings are now online! You can find them in the ACM digital library: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2669557.
We are very happy to announce that we were able to win Pierre Dragicevic to present a keynote at
BELIV 2014! Pierre will talk about Bad Stats are Miscommunicated Stats.
Schedule online
The schedule is online! Check it out: schedule
Progressing ...
We had 30 very good submissions, of which we were able to finally accept 23.
We are currently working on organizing these 23 papers into meaningful sessions and to come up with
a coherent schedule for the workshop. Papers and schedule will be posted soon. Stay tuned BELIVers!
Dates set
Dates for final notification and camera-ready deadline are now set.
Final notification will on Thursday Sept 11, 2014. Camera-ready will be due on
Thursday Sept 18, 2014.
Deadline extended
Good news for many of you: we decided to extend the paper submission deadline
by one week. New deadline: Monday Jul 7, 2014.
Call for papers
Call for Papers
is out now. Check it out!