A workshop at the VisWeek 2012 Conference on October 14(/15), 2012 in Seattle, WA, USA.
Paper Types
We accept 2 types of submissions—research papers and position papers:
- Research papers present new work and unpublished results on the topic areas of the workshop. Research papers will be selected according to their novelty, quality and relevance.
- Research papers present new work and unpublished results on the topic areas of the workshop. Research papers will be selected according to their novelty, quality and relevance.
Both types of papers can be up to eight pages long but the length of a submission needs to correspond to its contribution. All papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the program committee as well as the organizers. We are currently working on making sure that we will be able to publish all accepted papers in the ACM digital library including the assignment of DOIs to the papers. We also plan to invite a selected subset of the papers to contribute to a special issue in a major visualization journal venue. For past BELIV workshops and papers see these links:
BELIV 2006: published in the ACM DL
BELIV 2008: published in the ACM DL
BELIV 2010: published in the ACM DL
To submit a paper create an account and submit the paper to the submission system at:
https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/BELIV2012/. Please clarify whether you are submitting a position or research paper.
All the submissions should be formatted in the ACM style. Suitable templates, in LaTeX and Word, can be downloaded from:
http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html. Submission, however, must be made in PDF format.
Topics of Interest
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Evaluation in the visualization development lifecycle,
- Utility characterization,
- Evaluation metrics,
- Insight characterization,
- Synthetic data sets and benchmarks,
- Taxonomy of tasks,
- Computational evaluation,
- Benchmark development and repositories,
- Methods for longitudinal studies and adoption,
- Evaluation of early prototypes, and
- Evaluation heuristics and guidelines.