BELIV Program Committee
- Alfie Abdul-Rahman, King's College London
- Jürgen Bernard, TU Darmstadt
- Matthew Brehmer, Microsoft Research
- André Calero Valdez, RWTH Aachen
- Jian Chen, Ohio State University
- Eun Kyoung Choe, University of Maryland, College Park
- Michael Correll, Tablau Research
- Jason Dykes, City, University of London
- Niklas Elmqvist, University of Maryland, College Park
- Camilla Forsell, Linköping University
- Carla Freitas, Oceanic Observatory of Madeira
- Michael Gleicher, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Steve Haroz, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
- Jeffrey Heer, University of Washington
- Jessica Hullman, University of Washington
- Matthew Kay, University of Michigan
- Daniel Keefe, University of Minnesota
- Robert Kosara, Tableau Research
- Heidi Lam, Google
- Bongshin Lee, Microsoft Research
- Narges Mahyar, University of California San Diego
- Eva Mayr, Danube University Krems
- Margit Pohl, TU Vienna
- Alexander Rind, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
- Timo Ropinski, Ulm University
- Paul Rosenthal, University of Rostock
- Giuseppe Santucci, Università di Roma
- John Stasko, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Melanie Tory, Tableau Research
- Chat Wacharamanotham, University of Zürich
BELIV Steering Committee
- Enrico Bertini (NYU)
- Heidi Lam (Tableau)
- Adam Perer (IBM)
- Catherine Plaisant (University of Maryland)
- Giuseppe Santucci (University of Rome)
Workshop Organizers
Michael Sedlmair is an assistant professor at the University of Stuttgart in Germany. He holds a PhD from the University of Munich (2010). Michael's main research interests are interdisciplinary visualization research, high-dimensional data analysis, as well as investigating new and refined methodological approaches for visualization design and evaluation.
Petra Isenberg is a research scientist in the Aviz group at INRIA, the French National Research Institute for Computer Science. She holds a PhD degree from the University of Calgary (2009). Her main research interests lie at the intersection of information visualization, CSCW, and interactive surfaces.
Miriah Meyer is an associate professor in the School of Computing at the University of Utah and a faculty member in the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute. Her research focuses on the design of visualization systems for helping researchers make sense of complex data.
Tobias Isenberg is a senior research scientist with INRIA in France. He works on topics in interactive non-photorealistic/illustrative rendering and explores applications in visualization.
Publicity Chair
Bahador Saket is a third year PhD student at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His current research focuses on the design of interaction techniques for visualization construction and visual data exploration.
Local Arrangements Chair
Tanja Blascheck is a Post Doctoral Researcher at Inria. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Stuttgart (2017). Her main research areas are information visualization and visual analytics with a focus on evaluation using eye tracking and interaction logs.