Schedule online
The final schedule for BELIV 2018 is online, including a great keynote, tutorials, a panel, paper presentations, and break-out group
Keynote speaker announced
BELIV will be started this year by Jon Tennant, a paleontologist and passionate speaker for science communication, open science, and our focus topic of replication/reproducibility.
A short bio and talk abstract can be found in the keynote tab.
Accepted papers online
This year BELIV accepted 13 out of 21 submitted papers after a 2-stage reviewing process.
These papers will be presented in three different ways: tutorial papers, panel papers, and discussion papers.
BELIV 2018: new name and broader scope
BELIV 2018 will broaden its scope and invite contributions on all sort of research and evaluation methods in visualization.
To reflect this broader scope BELIV's long name will change from "Beyond Time And Errors: Novel Evaluation Methods For Visualization" to now
"evaluation and BEyond - methodoLogIcal approaches for Visualization". The acronym, BELIV, will stay the same, so nobody gets confused.
BELIV 2018 announced
The BELIV workshop series is a biennial event focusing on the challenges of evaluation in visualization.
BELIV 2018 will be the 7th of the BELIV workshop series and will be held October 21st, 2018,
as a one-day workshop at IEEE VIS 2018 in Berlin. All registered attendees of VIS will be able to attend the workshop.